2016 ELE-UK Encuentro

Teaching Spanish in Higher and Adult Education? Keen to know more? Wishing to meet some of your colleagues from other UK institutions with a view to share good practice or set up new projects?

Encuentro ele-uk 2016, open to all teachers of Spanish working in Higher and Adult Education in the UK, took place at the University of Reading on June 24th, 2016.  The aims of this Encuentro ele-uk 2016 were, among others:

  • To create a forum where teachers can exchange research, knowledge and materials.
  • To foster communication and encourage collaboration between teachers and institutions.

Encuentro ele-uk 2016 offered the opportunity to attend talks and participate in workshops featuring speakers from Higher and Adult Education in the UK and Spain.

Keynote speakers of ele-uk Encuentro 2016 were:

  • Dr Richard Kiely , Reader in TESOL Applied Linguistics in Modern Languages at the University of Southampton, who will explore the ways language teachers work. He will review the implications of communicative language teaching and reflective practice as frameworks which imply a major curriculum design role for the teacher.
  • Dr Jane Arnold, Professor at the University of Sevilla, will talk about affectivity in the ELE classroom, what it is and why it has such an impact in the acquisition of the language.

Encuentro ele-uk 2016 aimed also to offer spaces to encourage networking and to provide further opportunities to meet speakers, workshop/communication presenters and ELE practitioners.

Spanish and British publishers displayed and presented their new materials.

Encuentro ele-uk 2016 was organized in collaboration with the Department of Modern Languages and European Studies of the University of Reading.


Lunch sponsored by Department of Modern Languages and European Studies of the University of Reading.

Wine reception sponsored by Turismo Costa del Sol, Málaga

Other sponsors: EDELSA, Difusión, SM, Centro de Estudios Mexicanos-UNAM/UK, Instituto Cervantes-Manchester, Habla con Eñe, Costa del Sol-Málaga, Embajada de España-Consejería de Educación and European Schoolbooks Ltd.

Program of Encuentro ele-uk 2016, here

Abstracts and speakers’ biodata

Power Point presentations:

Sesión 1


Sesión 1


Sesión 1


Sesión 1


Palabras que lo dicen todo. Algunas implicaciones sobre la importancia del vocabulario.

Javier Pardo, Instituto Cervantes, Londres

Actividades de video en el ámbito académico con estudiantes de arquitectura.


Paloma Úbeda Mansilla, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

New Dynamics in Teaching Pronunciation for English-speaking students.


Diego Soto, University of Exeter  & Cardiff University



Antonio López: Pinceladas de un genio del arte contemporáneo en el aula de ELE.


María José Anadón, Instituto Cervantes de Mánchester

Sesión 2


Sesión 2


Sesión 2


Sesión 2


Uso del foro de Moodle para potenciar la motivación, la creatividad y el sentido crítico.


Manuel Lagares, University of Nottingham



Are teachers missing the shot? Digital spaces and the new journalism.




José Manuel Sala, International House London

Microrrelatos en Twitter. #aicle, #contrastedepasadosB1, #gramáticac.




Lorena Albert, University of Saint Andrews

Employability and the Spanish-speaking graduate: are your students selling themselves short?



Cristina López, Sheffield Hallam University

La dimensión afectiva: enseñando/investigando,

Dra. Jane Arnold, Universidad de Sevilla


Sesión 3


Sesión 3


Sesión 3


Sesión 3


Uso de las viñetas en la clase de ELE: emociones que generan aprendizaje.



Carmen Sanjulián García, Trinity College Dublin

Aplicaciones de los corpus lingüísticos a la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera.


Dr Carlos Soler Montes, Universidad de Edimburgo


Social media as a tool to engage foreign language students outside the classroom: A Spanish Facebook project.  


Sol Escobar, University of Essex

La galaxia del subjuntivo, una recapitulación de su uso.



Dr Lidia Acosta, University of Strathclyde


Sesión 4


Sesión 4


Sesión 4


Sesión 4


Los estilos de aprendizaje y los tipos de estudiante en la clase de ELE.





Begoña Mirones Muñoz, Cardiff University



Teaching foreign languages through audiovisual translation resources: a teachers’ perspective.


Rosa Alonso Pérez, Sheffield Hallam University & Alicia Sánchez Requena,  Manchester Metropolitan University


Rote learning, phone-obsession, culture-phobia? Finding ways to engage modern learners in the classroom.

Olga Gomez-Cash, University of Lancaster

(Towards) research-informed principles for vocabulary teaching and learning.





María Blanco-Hermida, University of Westminster

Sesión 5


Sesión 5


Sesión 5


Sesión 5


La enseñanza de la gramática en el aula universitaria mediante la clase invertida.




Elena Solá Simón, University of Strathclyde


Integrating teaching and research: an exploratory practice example on the impact of mobile phones in language lessons.


Maria Esther Lecumberri, Regent´s University London

Retos lingüísticos y comunicativos de la virtualidad y movilidad en entornos laborales: Proyecto CoMoVIWo.


Dr Carmen Herrero, Manchester Metropolitan University

Anonymity and anxiety in computer-mediated communication for language learning.



Dr Sabela Melchor-Couto, University of Roehampton (London)

Sesión 6


Sesión 6


Sesión 6


Sesión 6


A multimodal discourse analysis of visuals used in two foreign language degree courses.


Lourdes Hernandez & Dr Lijing Shi, London School of Economics and Political Science

Estrategias docentes para el desarrollo de la motivación y la autonomía en el aprendizaje.


Marion Coderch, Kristina Pla & Nuria Polo, Durham University


Through the Flipped Classroom Looking Glass.



Jordi Sánchez & Marina Rabadán Gómez, University of Liverpool

Spanish for business @RUL: journey into employability.




Amparo Lallana & Pastor-González, Victoria, Regent´s University London

Language Pedagogy: perspectives on exploration in the language classroom

Dr Richard Kiely, University of Southampton

Investigar y publicar en ELE

Erika Erdely, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

María Blanco, Universidad de Westminster