Twitter in Higher and Adult Education, 22 January 2016

Do you use Twitter? Do you know how to use it?

Title: Twitter in Higher and Adult Education, ab-initio

Speaker: Lourdes Hernández-Martín, Language Coordinator (Spanish projects and Arabic), London School of Economics.

Brief summary:

Everyone knows about Twitter but how to use this online social networking service for academic purposes is another matter.

In this workshop, we will have the opportunity:

  • to learn the basis of this tool such as how to create and manage a Twitter account, how to write tweets and to create hashtags, how to follow other Twitter users, how to follow events,  etc.
  • to reflect on Twitter styles  and the creation of one´s identity using different Twitter accounts samples
  • to analyze Twitter uses for teaching/learning languages

PLEASE, do not forget to bring a computer, a tablet or a smartphone.

Date: Friday, January 22at 17.30

Place: Instituto Cervantes, London

The workshop is also an excellent occasion to meet and share our current academic projects. The Committee will update participants on the latest developments in Encuentro ele-uk 2016.